About Us

Hello New Moms!

My name is Micolene Boddie, PT

Mom, CEO & Founder of Restful Pump®, Inc.

Congratulations on your new baby!

As a self-employed private practice physical therapist with two beautiful sons, I understand having a new baby is exciting, yet exhausting.​

Breastfeeding can be difficult. Breast pumping can also present its own challenges. On day 6 of my first-born baby’s life, I hadn’t slept for days. I loved watching this incredible new life wiggle around in my laundry basket, but I clearly couldn’t stay awake for 7 days in a row, with only 10-15 minute naps here and there. The sleep I was getting was not nearly enough rest for just after giving birth.

With my second, I was determined to do a better job. I did more research and learned that Board Certified Lactation Specialists highly recommend pumping at least once between 1am and 6am. So, I figured, IF this is when the milk producing hormones are at their highest, I will just set my alarm for 2am, sit on my nursing chair and pump. Every. Night. For at least 6 months. This led to a temporary indentation on my forehead as I leaned forward to rest on the ottoman, pumping, and praying that my babies did not wake. It also gave me time to think… WHEN and HOW are Moms supposed to sleep?

There has to be a better way.
So, Restful Pump®, Inc. was born.

At Restful Pump®, we aim to help ALL Moms that pump by providing the best ergonomically comfortable, most stress reducinghands-free breast pumping stations so Moms can rest, sleep, or multitask while they pump. With variable supportive forward leaning positions and a potential reduction in stress. When Moms have an opportunity to rest while they pump (or even multitask), perhaps they may be encouraged to pump for a longer duration per pump session or even reach their 6–12-month milestones, providing the best ‘Liquid Gold’ for their babies.

Don’t forget to take care of you. We are cheering for you!

Rested Mommy = Happy Mommy™


Micolene, Brock & Kolton

and The Restful Pump® Team

The Founder may be contacted at micolene@restfulpump.com

Lactation professionals

Lactation specialists, IBCLCs, and doulas have used the Restful Pump® Chair with their clients and love the results!

Breastfeeding mothers

Testimonials from breastfeeding mothers are a testament to the need for the Restful Pump® Chair in the marketplace.

Retailers & Wholesellers

The Restful Pump® Chair is a value add to any retail store looking for new, innovative baby equipment.

Businesses & Corporations

Federal law mandates a lactation suite in businesses, but companies that choose the Restful Pump® Chair can also benefit.

Meet The Team

Meet the leaders of Restful Pump®.  We are grateful to have such expert leadership while we build our products.

Micolene Boddie, PT

CEO & Founder of Restful Pump, Inc.

Cheryl Wirth-DeLuc

Sales & Marketing

Christine Salvucci RN, BSN, IBCLC, CLC

Restful Pump IBCLC

Jack Boyles


Nicholas J. Gallo

Patent Attorney

What client says


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